(A Fish Out of Water)

In 2004 Santa Marinella, thirteen-year-old Donatella, with Tourette’s, clings to one belief: her dad, who died in a car crash, has become a fish destined to return from the sea. As a new support teacher arrives and she enjoys carefree afternoons with friends, Donatella feels content. But a storm brews as her mother plans a move to Rome with a new partner. Donatella faces turbulent waters, yet a small boat offers hope of rescue.
2004, Santa Marinella. Donatella, tredici anni, tourettica, ha poche convinzioni nella vita, l’unica imprescindibile è quella che le racconta sua nonna Ilva: suo papà, morto in un incidente stradale, si è trasformato in un pesce. Prima o poi risalirà il mare di Santa Marinella e verrà a trovarla.
Genre: Comedy
Director: Chiara De Angelis
Production: Black Light Film Production
Year: 2024/2025